Ready, Get your Sets, and Shipped They Go!

Get ready for J&L Naturals Holiday Sets! Now, you can give holidays a new meaning. They are not just for celebrations and escapades. They are times to pamper yourself with your favorite vegan skin and body indulgences! These care sets are J&L Naturals new offerings. Check out this newest buzz and see what you can gift yourself this holiday season.

What’s new in J&L Naturals Shop? It’s your Simple, Exceptional and Extraordinary Holiday Sets! Eight sets of spa, body and skin care regimens with your personal choices and combinations. It’s your custom care all in one set. Now, let’s get to know them.
Simple Holiday Set. It’s your choice of Lip Balm, Deodorant, Hair Serum, and Face Salve in one go. Get all these with CBD in your Simple CBD Holiday Set.
Exceptional Holiday Face Pack. Choose your pick among our Lip Balm, Face Salve, and regular sized Face Mask (5 oz). Love to have CBD on your skin? Get your Exceptional CBD Holiday Pack ready and give your skin some more loving.
Extraordinary Holiday Face Pack. Now, this is your favorite pick of Lip Balm, Face Salve, Skin Serum, and regular sized Face Mask (5 oz). And because many want these regimen with CBD, we have Extraordinary CBD Holiday Face Pack on ready!

But there’s more!

It’s JNL Naturals’ Exceptional and Extraordinary Holiday Spa Packs. Now what’s the difference between these two amazing sets? You get to have your choices of Face Masks, Salt Scrubs, and Bath Soaks in regular and bigger sizes. Yes, you heard it right. The sizes and the all new JNL Naturals Bath Soaks.
JNL Naturals Bath Soak is a care package of Epsom Salt, Citric Acid and Sodium Bicarbonate, that comes in these luxurious variants:
Refresh: Enjoy a refreshing citrus scent from Bergamot and Orange Essential Oils
Relax: Lay back and soak in a bath of soothing freshness from Lavender Essential Oil
Revitalize: Breath better with the aromatic benefits of Eucalyptus.
Because we know you can’t get enough of these special spa treatments, we got you a bigger-sized Face Mask (7 oz), Salt Scrub (10 oz), and Bath Soak (10 oz) in your Extraordinary Holiday Spa Pack.

There you have them. But are you in for more surprises? You should be, for your Holiday Sets come with a Bamboo scoop and Travel Pouch. Now that’s complete care package in one zero waste box.
Get your sets. It’s time to select and complete your holiday care sets. Pondering on the best product to entrust with your skin? Just take our Regimen Quiz. Take a little time to read about the variants of our skin products and their scents. We got them all for you in just one place.
Time for shipping! The thing is, gift-giving does not need to wait for special occasions. You now got more reasons to be grateful, and appreciate every moment you share with the people you love. So why not pamper them with J&L Naturals Holiday Sets, too? Add more personal touch by availing our gift wrapping service and we’ll get your gifts right at their doorsteps.
So are you ready? Get your sets, and have them shipped before they go!