How Saving Seas Are Made Easy

It’s not about the amount we can give that counts, but the chance to actually do our share in saving our seas. Playing the environmental hero may not be on your list of the “Amazing Goals You Want to Achieve,” but there’s always something inside us that impels us to do something, even just a small thing for the Earth. Right? We just wish there was a more practical way to do so, especially when we’re talking about cleaning up our big oceans. Well, we at J&L Naturals can help you actually fulfill that nagging wish to aid our seas to recovery.

Here’s how we can do it.
Through our partnership with #TeamSeas, which spearheads one of the biggest cleanup projects of all time, we have joined the cause of removing trash from the ocean. They are using cutting-edge technology and working with trained conservationists to achieve this goal. In short, they’re doing the biggest chunk of the job for us. And what’s your part?
Follow us on Instagram! For every 10 followers we get on Instagram, we have 1 pound of trash removed from the waters. That’s an easy, good start.
Also, don’t forget the earth-friendly processes we undertake to make sure parts from the products you purchase do not end up on our seas. Why? Items as small as a cotton swab can be accidentally ingested by sea animals. Do you remember the photo of a seahorse attaching its tail to a cotton bud stem? This single photo indeed could tell a thousand words, and a small waste can have this big a consequence to our waters.
So, we are always mindful of the impact of loads of plastic containers and other non-biodegradable components crashing into our waters and threatening its wildlife. We hope that through our use of natural and eco-friendly base ingredients and materials, we help educate our consumers and partners about these effects, and actively reduce or entirely avoid the resulting problems.
That’s also why we practice earth-friendly packaging and shipping. Thanks to the manufacturers we have worked with, we have developed containers that meet our highest standards of sustainability. We use kraft paper containers for most of our products, since this is compostable and biodegradable. It does not need to go through complicated processes to compost like other ‘eco-containers.’ We also use good old glass, which can be recycled and reused.
When we ship, we make sure you’re getting your item in the most sustainable way possible, too! All orders are shipped carbon neutral and 100% plastic-free. None of those annoying peanuts, bubble wrap, or plastic tapes!

But the process doesn’t just end here. We can still do something together to save our seas. We do this thru our in-house recycling program that takes your old empties and recycles them into new products. Nothing is wasted, nothing ends up in landfills, and eventually into our seas. Plus, we give you a $10 digital gift card from J&L Naturals every time you recycle!
There you go! We have simply done most of the job. Saving our seas can now be this easy. You can also track our progress with #TeamTrees and #TeamSeas through our Instagram page, where we post our contributions every month. Together, we can help protect and save our planet.