Why Shea Butter Better Touch your Skin

It’s a base ingredient in J&L Naturals Lip Balm, Face Salve, Deodorant, and Muscle Rubs. Shea Butter is definitely one of nature’s loving means to nurture our skin, the organ that comprises a big part of who we are. And we want nothing but the best kind of care for this aspect of our being. So, here are several reasons why Shea Butter better touch your skin.

It’s your skin’s emollient and moisturizer. Whatever skin type you may have, Shea Butter can soften and moisturize it. Thanks to its buttery consistency, it can easily be applied to and quickly-absorbed by your skin. Once applied, it also acts as your skin’s protection from the harsh rays of the sun. Some would also use it at night time, then, feel their hands, elbows, knees and feet become extra soft and smooth in the morning. More, Shea Butter helps to revive dry and flaky skin.

Shea Butter is also popularly used for its anti-inflammatory properties. It is known to help reduce and ease skin swelling due to conditions like eczema, dermatitis, burns, acne and even dandruff. It is reported to have anti-fungal and anti-microbial properties, too. Now, you must be thinking about those certain parts of your face. Rest assured that the thin film of skin on your lips, and that cleanly-shaven cheeks and chin get balanced nourishment and protection from your JNL Naturals products.

But there’s more to love about Shea Butter. It’s because another tag for it is anti-aging. It is rich in fatty acids and antioxidants like Vitamins A and E. It also promotes cell and tissue regeneration. So, it has really earned its rightful place among our skin’s natural arsenal against aging. It can even help reduce fine lines and wrinkles. Your skin just got to have these all!

The fact is, this ivory-colored, fat extract from the nuts of Shea trees of Africa has a lot more to boast. Soap, cooking oil, lip gloss, moisturizing cream, hair conditioner, ointments, sunblock lotion. It’s also food and a source of living for many. No doubt, Shea Butter has made its name in whatever industry it finds itself. But what does it do when it finds its way to our eco-friendly and zero waste containers?
There’s no need to reiterate. It’s everything Shea Butter does when it touches your skin. JNL Naturals Face Salves and Aftershave Rubs have long lasting moisture. It also gives your Lip Balms, Muscle Rubs and Deodorants the silky smooth feel in your skin. And what more is there to love about your JNL Naturals products?

Well, it’s really the thoughts we have when making them for you. Having these lovely vegan face and body regimens is not just about embracing a certain kind of lifestyle, but, instead, a certain kind attitude. It’s from understanding that sources of effective and balanced care abound around us, and nature never failed to give us that perfect kind of nourishment. Shea Butter is just one of them. It traveled far and long to complete the plant powers packed inside every JNL Naturals vegan tubes. They’re just the best things to touch your skin!
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Image by Karolina Grabowska from Pexels
Image by Shahid Shafiq from Pixabay